An Easy as Pie Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Hello lovely readers!

I've had some amazing adventures lately, most of them in the kitchen! For those of you who bake you understand the joy and nostalgia that certain recipes can bring upon you. The smells that unlock memories from long ago. For me there is a special place in my heart reserved for pineapple upside down cake. It's much more than sugar and calorie counting; it's a memory of countless summer days with my grandmother, learning tricks of the kitchen from her hands. I made it tonight for my boyfriend and he asked me if this is what heaven tastes like... Yes! I'm convinced that this recipe is a gift from an angel, so in a word..  Yes!

Here's an easy recipe that she taught me. You'll need a 10" cast iron skillet (that's the key)
-3TBS Butter
- 1/2C packed brown sugar
-1box super moist yellow cake mix
-1/2 C. Vegetable oil
-3 eggs
-1 can pineapple slices
-1 C. Pineapple juice (from earlier mentioned can)

Let's get busy!
1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Add melted butter to cast iron skillet. Sprinkle brown sugar evenly over butter, arrange pineapple slices over the bottom of the skillet.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the cake mix, pineapple juice, oil and eggs until well blended. Pour into skillet over the fruit.
3. Bake 40-45 minutes. (Until cake is golden brown.)
4. Allow cake to cool 5-10 minutes. Run a knife around the edge of cake to loosen. Place a heatproof plate upside down over skillet; turn over. Remove skillet and serve warm!


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