A Ravelry-tastic New Year!

I know many of you are probably staring at your computer screens, thinking what is she talking about? New Year?! It's almost July, crying out loud... rushing the season a bit aren't we?! Then there are others who are practically jumping out of their seats with joy! The latter person can be described as a member of the popular online knit/crochet community Ravelry! Whooo!  Represent!!!

Ravelry is a wonderful way to connect with fellow yarn enthusiasts and find inspiration for your next project! I've been a loyal member since 2012 and I LOVE IT!!! Okay, but this is not meant to be an online testimony of how Ravelry will change your life even though it very well may. This post is about A Year of Projects 2014-2015! The greatest thing since grilled cheese!

A Year of Projects is exactly what it sounds like... A year of projects blog along! It's a great way to de-stash all that yarn that you've been hoarding for the last twenty years, looking for the perfect project to use it up on! I did the project part last year, but unfortunately I let the blog slip away from my interest! I mean I got a little busy with other things and one week slipped by, then another... and another. And with seeing all these insanely crafty people with beautiful blogs of their own it's easy to get a little intimidated and wonder how they do such a glorious job!

But hey it's a new year starting July 1st! So set your resolutions to join A Year of Projects on Ravelry and then blog about these beautiful creations you're making! After all who doesn't love support and meeting other yarn hoarders? Ooops I mean Yarn Enthusiasts!So dig out that stash! De-clutter your Ravelry queue! And join us in #YOP1415 (coincidentally use this hashtag on instagram to tag all your craftiness!) click here to join YOP1415

As always have a blessed day! And Happy Crafting!


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