My YOP1415 List!

Hey guys!
Here are some of the items I'm planning on making for this years great bundle of craftiness known as the YOP1415! All these amazing patterns are FREE!!! I have included the link out to the side of them for easy viewing and adding to project lists!

As you can tell, from my list, my tastes range from the classic pieces that one might see while watching Pride and Prejudice to the Sci-Fi like Doctor Who and Star Trek! That's the beauty of Ravelry! Where else could you find all these beautiful patterns?! So join me as I raise my glass and toast to the new year (of projects)! Here's to you! YOP1415! May you bring forth much stash-busting and craftiness to all!

So what about you?! Are you gonna join in on the fun of YOP1415? If so, what are the projects on your list?! 

Happy Crafting!


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