WIP Wednesdays!

Hi there everybody! I've decided to come on over to the dark side and post what I'm up to project wise on Wednesdays! If you follow me on instagram (coincidentally if you want to follow me, my username is AmethystMermaid) then you know that my account is full of #wip, and I must confess that every time I use that hashtag a certain song pops into my head! I think you all know which song I'm talking about too! (The Devo hit, Whip it)! In fact, when I'm working on a project it is my theme song. Alright, but enough of flashback music that could make me seem a lot older than I really am. Onward to the projects that are in my WIP pile! First off there's this lovely ridicule from Jane Austen Knits: Fall 2012. History lesson: A ridicule is a small bag or purse with a drawstring often used for carrying money, ribbons, and other things that a lady of good breeding would carry in Regency England! Overall I'm very happy with my progress so far on this project! The col...