Adventures in Space and Time... and WIPs

Hello wonderful readers out there! Well it's Wednesday and of course we all know what that means... HUMP DAAAY! Well actually it's more than that. If you check your favorite crafting blogs or instagram you can find tons of WIPs for this day! It's always inspiring to see all the projects that fellow crafters are working on. So I thought I should share my current WIPs with y'all and keep the creativity flowing. My Miette in progress! Knit faster!!!! The Miette Cardigan! First up is a lovely project that I've started specifically so I can wear it on Easter Sunday. A darling little cardigan in Robin's Egg Blue! It's very retro inspired, I can't help feeling a little like Mrs. Frank Sinatra while I knit it!Of course there might be a little crooning along to my favorite standards (Guilty sigh)... Anyway the pattern is a free download on Ravelry, it's called Miette and you can find it HERE This next project is actually not a WIP at all, ch...